Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (1), 360-368. (2017)
Investigation Of Morphometric and Hydrological Characteristics of a Water Basin Using Numerical Models
Kaya, Ş., Kutukcu, A
Abstract: Defining the characteristics of a basin is extremely important in terms of its maximum utilization rate. Impact of the basin structure and morphological characteristics on the hydrological processes is essential during conducting a research on a basin. Morphological analyses on basins enable scientists to acquire quantitive data, and thus fundamental information about prioritization and planning studies of disaster management at the basin level can be obtained. In line with the morphological analyses conducted for two adjacent basins in this study, hydrological evaluations were also carried out. In this study, both the Buyuk Menderes River and Gediz River extend across a long valley and join the Aegean Sea. For calculating the parameters of the two river basins such as drainage density, bifurcation ratio, sinusoidal index which are among the important morphological parameters, some hydrologic systems analysis tools, were used. In the calculation of the morphometric parameters regarding the basins, Digital Terrain Model data at 10 m spatial resolution constituted the most important basis. In order to crosscheck the morphological evaluation conducted for the basins, Soil and Water Assessment Tool – SWAT model was utilized. The results of the model verified the morphological analyses. It is seen that the studies carried out coupled with Geographic Information Systems would highly contribute to hydrological and effective basin management studies.

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