Radioengineering, Volume 28, No. 1, Pages: 114-120, April 2019 An Active Frequency Selective Surface Design Having Four Different Switchable Frequency Characteristics B. Döken, M. Kartal Abstract: Mutual interference between indoor adjacent wireless networks is becoming an important issue due to reducing the communication speed significantly. Controlling the isolation of wireless …
Read More..Estimation of emissions from crop residue burning using remote sensing data
Int. J. Global Warming., 2019, 1758-2083, 19, 1-2, 94-105 Estimation of emissions from crop residue burning using remote sensing data Kubra Bahsi, Betul Sallı, Dogushan Kilic, Elif Sertel Abstract: Approximately one-fourth of the population in Turkey works in the agricultural sector. One common problem in agricultural waste removal is the …
Read More..Comparing two different spatial interpolation approaches to characterize spatial variability of soil properties in Tuz Lake Basin – Turkey
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Journal, 28(2), 2019 pages 638-644 –SCI Comparing two different spatial interpolation approaches to characterize spatial variability of soil properties in Tuz Lake Basin – Turkey Gorji, T., Alganci, U., Sertel, E., Tanik, A. Abstract: The main objective of this study is to compare the performance of two …
Read More..An Approach for the Pan Sharpening of Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using a CIELab Color Based Component Substitution Algorithm
Applied Sciences, 9, 5234 An Approach for the Pan Sharpening of Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using a CIELab Color Based Component Substitution Algorithm Rahimzadeganasl, A.; Alganci, U; Goksel, C. Abstract: Recent very high spatial resolution (VHR) remote sensing satellites provide high spatial resolution panchromatic (Pan) images in addition to …
Read More..Dynamic Land Cover Mapping of Urbanized Cities with Landsat 8 Multi-temporal Images: Comparative Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Dimension Reduction Methods
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 8(3), 139 Dynamic Land Cover Mapping of Urbanized Cities with Landsat 8 Multi-temporal Images: Comparative Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Dimension Reduction Methods Alganci, U Abstract: Uncontrolled and continuous urbanization is an important problem in the metropolitan cities of developing countries. Urbanization progress that occurs due …
Read More..A comparative analysis of gridding systems for point-based land cover/use analysis
Geocarto International, 34(8), 867-886 A comparative analysis of gridding systems for point-based land cover/use analysis Shoman, W., Alganci, U., Demirel, H. Abstract: For spatial analyses, raster land cover/use maps are converted into points, where each point holds attribute of its corresponding land cover/use. However, these are not identical in terms …
Read More..The use of broadband vegetation indices in cultivated land detection with Landsat 8 OLI multi-temporal images
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(2), 546-551 The use of broadband vegetation indices in cultivated land detection with Landsat 8 OLI multi-temporal images Alganci, U. Abstract: Determination of cotton and maize cultivated areas with multi-temporal satellite images using vegetation indices is the main objective of this research. Study area was located on …
Read More..Dynamic monitoring of land coverchange: a recent study for Istanbul metropolitan area
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(2), 688-693 Dynamic monitoring of land coverchange: a recent study for Istanbul metropolitan area Shoman,W., Korkutan, M., Alganci, U., Tanik, A., Demirel, H. Abstract: In this study, the changes in land cover/use is detected using remote sensing, GIS and stochastic modelling for part of metropolitan Istanbul city. …
Read More..Dual-band Frequency Surface Design by Implementing a Simple Design Technique
IETE Journal of Research (TIJR), 09 Dec. 2019 Dual-band Frequency Surface Design by Implementing a Simple Design Technique B. Doken, M. Kartal Abstract: Mutual interference between wireless devices in indoor environment reduces system performance. Ensuring secure personal communication within such wireless networks is also another important problem. Existing indoor surfaces can …
Read More..Analyzing gridding systems for land cover/land use information: astudy conducted for green areas
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(2), 694-699 Analyzing gridding systems for land cover/land use information: astudy conducted for green areas Shoman,W., Alganci, U., Demirel, H. Abstract: Performing point-based land cover/use analysis traditionally compels converting thematic clusters into representative points located at their corresponding centroids. Yet, various spatial analyses require to grid thematic …
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