Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2021, 183–188,, 2021.
N. Yagmur, E. Erten, and N. Musaoglu
Abstract: In Turkey, gentrification has gained importance in the major cities such as Istanbul because of the rapid urbanization. The establishment of the construction land suitability is one of the main issues raised here. However, it is not easy to start gentrification process in Istanbul where there is a developing transportation and already dense housing. Up-to-date structural health information is then required for an optimum gentrification process. The traditional way of obtaining the structural health conditions on building is generally with the stationary measurements. However, in-situ based information can only provide a small amount of information, and it is impossible to conduct for the entire city. In this context, remotely sensed images, specifically synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ones, can easily provide data to monitor not only ground subsidence but also deformation on the urban sites. The main purpose of the study is to monitor the actual condition of the urbanization on unsuitable and important sites and to guide in determining pioneer areas for gentrification process using freely available remote sensing images, in particular Sentinel-1 SAR images. The potential of these data set will be evaluated with the land suitability map (LSM) produced by The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM). In this study, we carried out multi-scale interferometric analysis to understand the spatial relationship between the LSM and the freely available satellite-based measurements for detecting urban sites in danger. The capability and usability of PSI and SBAS methods as a guide before gentrification were investigated using Sentinel-1 data covering 2015 and 2018 years.

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